Do you feel like your life is one continuous lament? Do you look at the world and its rebellion and mourn for what you see daily? Do all of this sorrow leave you feeling helpless about your future and the future of this world? You're definitely going to want to dig in to this study then as we discover that there is restoration and hope for the one who returns!
This study, built upon Colossians 3:1-7, will help us to understand the gods that we have long played the harlot with in our days as the LORD awakens us and calls us to return. It will equip us with the truth so that we choose to cast down our idols and set our hearts on things above.
This study, built upon Colossians 3:1-7, will help us to understand the gods that we have long played the harlot with in our days as the LORD awakens us and calls us to return. It will equip us with the truth so that we choose to cast down our idols and set our hearts on things above.
Spiritual warfare. Persecution. It's coming.
Join us as we dive deep into this study through Ephesians and discover what spiritual warfare actually looks like and how to reay ourselves for the battle that lies ahead in Christ.
Often the Lord prompts me to address specific topics or passages of scripture which do not fall into a specific study or playlist. Here is the archive of these lessons which you can browse in any order.
Discover history’s greatest love story and marvel at your role in it.
Join along as we open the pages of the Old and New Testament and explore ancient Jewish culture. Stephanie merge’s her own lessons, along with Martha Lawley’s “Attending the Bride of Christ”, so we discover what it looks like to become the wise bridesmaids and see the Church as Christ sees her.
This study will equip and encourage you to grow in spiritual maturity as you begin to discover your call in preparing the bride for Christ’s return.
As we look out across our land, we daily recognize the spiritual battle that rages and the enemy that seeks to intimidate and devour. That we dwell in the midst of a people who reject authority and who live according to what is right in their own eyes. Oh how we long to be a people living boldly and differently in the face of the enemy so that we know true victory!
Join us as we dig into the book of Judges and discover what it means to return back to living by the standard of God's Word so that as we pray for faithful judges in our land, we also are effective in our service for Him.
In spite of our lacking as a people and the bitterness that surrounds us in these days, there is hope for the one who forsakes the ways of the world and returns to the LORD. For they will find favor in the eyes of the Bridegroom in the midst of this harvest. Join us as we dig into the book of Ruth.
You'll be amazed at what you're about to discover at the threshing floor and you seek the Bridegrooms favor and discover how you have always been a part of His harvest plan.
Do we truly long to be like Esther or Vashti? Both with the calling to be the bride of the King, but both with different responses to that calling and different outcomes.
Join us as we dig in deeper to the book of Esther to see what we discover about ourselves as the LORD seeks to refine us and use us for such a time as this. For even the lowly with strong roots in Christ will be lifted up to shine brightly like a star when they are willing to risk it all out of faith and love for the LORD.