Our lesson this week picks up from where we left off with Noah and his family seeking shelter in the Ark of God’s plan for salvation in the midst of a wicked world. Because Noah’s account in the Ark was a foreshadowing by faith of God’s greater plan for salvation, God gave Noah a command. It was given to Noah once they had taken refuge themselves in the Ark of Salvation?
Read Genesis 9:1. What was the command given to Noah?
Do you see how this compares to our lesson last week about the Great Commission in the New Testament and the Churches command to GO and fill the earth with His gospel and multiply disciples? What good does it do for us to find refuge from the judgement to come through Christ (our Ark), and then just stay put and keep it among ourselves.
This leads us into the start of our lesson this week at Babel and the beginning of Israel as a nation. God had commanded Noah and his family to go and start repopulating the earth for it’s care and for the glory of His redemption plan. God is aware of how easy it is to stay within our own comfort zones and what seems familiar, and that’s why He commanded them to go out.
Read Genesis 11:1-4 After God’s command went forth to scatter, what was man’s plan for itself? (Focus specifically on verse 2 and 4)
According to verses 5-9, was God pleased with man’s idea and teaching? What did they force His hand to do?
What does Jeremiah 9:23-24 teach us about man’s pride in his self and boasting?
Who do you think was the author of man’s idea at Babel for itself and the world? Look at Isaiah 14:12-14 and see what you discover.
Lucifer was working to create unity among creation for his plans based on self empowerment and self promotion. How often are we trying to make a name for ourselves or our agenda? God on the other hand was scattering abroad for His plan of dependency on Him and care for the whole world He created. There is beauty in diversity and your calling and ministry to the culture you have been placed within.
How does that relate to what we learn in Acts 17:26-27?
If God is the creator of the different nations, then it is logical to conclude that He has no favorites. So then why the setting apart of Israel as a nation? Is God showing favoritism or are they simply part of a greater picture for mankind about God’s image and character?
Abraham’s first step of faith was obedience to God’s calling to GO. Unlike those earlier in Shinar who chose to stay to make a name for themselves in the world, Abraham trusted God’s plan of “going”, so the world would know God’s name. He knew that while his faith in God would be worked out in his obedience to GO, that God would fulfill His promises of completing the actual work through his willingness to trust and obey. Faith simply trusts God’s guidance will lead us to our abundant life.
Abram also trusted that the birth of this great nation would be for a greater purpose than just himself. You see, post flood civilization was rampant again with polytheism (many gods). Even today, the majority of cultures have their own flood account, but from there it branches out into different names for gods and different plans and requirements to get to their god, or even erases God.
Israel is God’s plan that will bring forth the new birth after the cleansing flood, to reveal to a world full of gods, who the One true God really is. Apart from Israel and God’s relentless plan of redemption, we would have no way of knowing who the true God is. So Israel is the next building block of God’s foundation for His Salvation plan. It helps answer the question, what’s next for the world after its cleansing through water? (like baptism for the new believer)
Read Genesis 12:1-3 What was Gods command to Abram? Who was going to be the builder of this nation of people?
According to verse 3 what was God’s promise to Abram about the nation He was going to raise up for His name sake?
How does this line up with what we are taught in Galations 3:8?
This is the first picture we see of God’s chosen people being called to a life of separation from the profane ways of the world to that which will be set apart as holy unto God. It was always God’s intention to make His image known to this world through purity and truth.
How does this foreshadow the calling of the Church in John 15:19, 1 Peter 1:15-16 and 2 Corinthians 6:17
What does this look like in our own lives?
In verse 7, God who is the owner of the earth, promised something to Abram and his descendants. Who was it who appeared and what was it that He promised him?
How long would that promise last for according to Genesis 13:15.
Read Genesis 12:10-20
Finally today we will discover that it was a famine (trial) that sent Abram into Egypt according to Genesis 12:10. It reminds me, that as we step out in faith on our journey with the LORD, He will allow trials and difficulties to come to test us and strengthen us in our faith.
1 Peter 1:7 tells us why our faith will be tested. What is the reason?
Look up the Greek word for TESTED in this passage and write out it’s meaning
Did you notice in these verses, that Abram, the father of our faith, is capable of worry and the temptation to control situations when things seem troublesome? It’s a battle we can constantly wage in our flesh. We are not promised our best life now, or a life free from trials and difficulties. What we are promised is an abundant life full of peace and joy in spite of our circumstances, and a hope and a future because we know the One who delivers us through and from our Egypt visits (seasons of testing) into blessing.
Well done today faithful Bridesmaids! Just remember that our enemies schemes never really change. He is still about the business of trying to make us doubt and rob us of the promises that God has made to us. He tries to divide us over God’s plans and unite us for his. Diversity, different nations and people groups were always the work of God’s hand and for the greater good of His relentless redemption plan for mankind!

meet stephanie
Stephanie Tyndall is a servant of Jesus Christ, writer for the Seeds Among the Soil Women's Ministry, and She Rises International.
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